group module v2 is not the same with jopensim group xmlrpc you need this tables
to working the v2 group
and this settings to opensim.ini
Enabled = true
LevelGroupCreate = 0
Module = "Groups Module V2"
;Module = GroupsModule
ServicesConnectorModule = "Groups HG Service Connector"
;ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
LocalService = remote
GroupsServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PrivatePort}"
;GroupsServerURI = "${Const|jOpensimURL}/components/com_opensim/interface.php"
;GroupsExternalURI = "${Const|jOpensimURL}/components/com_opensim/interface.php"
MessagingEnabled = true
MessagingModule = "Groups Messaging Module V2"
;MessagingModule = GroupsMessagingModule
NoticesEnabled = true
MessageOnlineUsersOnly = true
DebugEnabled = false
DebugMessagingEnabled = false
StorageProvider = OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll
;XmlRpcServiceReadKey = 1234
;XmlRpcServiceWriteKey = 4321
and you cant see the groups on jopensim admin panel