
Grid Status: Online
Total Regions: 23
Visitors (30 Days): 6
Total Residents: 490
Online Now: 0
Hypergriders online: 0

ATTENTION: changes in your OpenSim.ini are required. See jOpenSim wiki for more info
* changed: updateinfo now with link to changelog
* fixed: website profile update in special cases not working
* fixed: get rid of deprecated messages in AuthorizationService procedure
* added: possibility to move log files outside of webserver root
* added: additional parameter for HD users starting balance
* removed: seperate xmlrpc(s) classes from Edd Dumbill
* removed standalone scripts for J4:
** opensim_quickicon for overview changed from standalone to view
** land purchase script passes xmlrpc to view
** changed standalone interface.php to interface view
** changed standalone currency.php to interface view

get rid of standalone script jnotify.php
compatibility with jOpenSim