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Remark About Opensim Component

14 years 4 months ago #117 by djphil

si je peux me permettre, ne m\'en veuillez pas, de donner un avis sur le composent Opensim de Joomla.

- Je trouve qu\'il ne devrait pas etre nécessaire de s\'inscrire 2 vois sur le site pour etre inscrit dans le composant et surtout le service grid. L\'inscription devrait etre unique. Le meme identifiant pour le site et pour opensim en une seule manipulation.

- je trouve pas bien qu\'il faille associer manuellement les utilisateurs de joomla à ceux du composant opensim et donc à opensim lui meme.
Celà devrait etre automatique et en une seule opération. celle de l\'enregistrement de l\'utilisateur sur le site joomla.

Comment voulez vous que l\'administrateur soie au courrant de tous les noms et des associassions qu\'il y a lieux de faire? Tous celà devrait etre automatique.

Good evening,

if I may say so, do not be angry, to give an opinion on the up Opensim Joomla.

- I think it should not be required to register 2 see the site to be included in the component and especially the service grid. Registration should be unique. The same identifier for the site and opensim in a single operation.

- I think though it should not involve manually joomla users to those of the component and thus opensim opensim itself.
It should be automatic and in one operation. the registration of the user on the joomla site.

How do you want the administrator silk updated of all the names and locations of the associations they are doing? All this should be automatic.

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14 years 4 months ago #125 by foto50
Hi djphil

How should I be angry? I\'m more than happy to get different opinions ... allthough your opinion isnt that different to mine ;) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif\" alt=\";)\" title=\"Wink\" />;)

In my thoughts at the very beginning - even before I wrote the first line of code - I also wanted to get it done in one single process. But as we know, Joomla takes one username to register and OpenSim wants to have 2 (first name and last name). So to get Joomla to fullfill the needs of OpenSim, either a change in the core or a \"heavy\" plugin would be needed.

As I never made any component, module, etc. for Joomla before, I decided for now to get it done this way (double registration) and see if this works. It is sort of \"learning by doing\" for me and the further I go, the more I learn. So I\'m quite convinced, that a future version of my component also contains a plugin to change the Joomla registration to the needs of OpenSim.

All I need is a \"little\" time and your continueous comments, bug reports, opinions, ... :D <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif\" alt=\":D\" title=\"Very Happy\" />:D


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14 years 4 months ago #127 by rjspence
I can understand the desire for a single reg/login. However, even if there were to be a single reg/login I would hope that it could be that you could select between syncing the users, and having two as it is, or a single. A toggle between the two modes of operation. In terms of security, There are many reasons why \"just the way it is\" is superior to a single registration and login. And in my case it works out better as it is. I also think in terms of security purposes that the way it\'s being handled would be better in the long run. As it currently stands, it\'s a simple process to control the component and any interaction between the two installations. For this reason alone I like components like \"Jfusion\". Where they don\'t modify the code but rather sync the user tables and manage cookie paths.


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14 years 4 months ago #130 by djphil
Remember, it\'s fairly easy to add fields in the form of joomla.
Community Builder also allows you to print directly fields.
And let\'s not forget that components teles Community Jomsocial or Jommunity.

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14 years 4 months ago #137 by foto50
Both ways have advantages/disadvantages. But one for sure: the Joomla <-> Opensim relation button should always remain since many might have an existing Joomla installation already with existing Joomla users that might also be already Opensim users. And without any component before, there\'s no other way to attach the inworld account to the \"outside\".

All I can say now is that I will have a look at it. But currently I have more priority to other features that I want to implement. Such as \"offline messages\", \"groups\", \"profiles\" and last but not least $$ ;) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif\" alt=\";)\" title=\"Wink\" />;)

The following user(s) said Thank You: MTeegardin

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11 years 5 months ago #1984 by oztrout
Hello Foto ...
In the next component can you add a HyperGate counter to it ...
I have seen some site that has it ...
Just an idea ... :cheer:

Thank you ...
The following user(s) said Thank You: foto50

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